
Showing posts from February, 2020

Tasty Foodiee Doodie

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well" This post is for food bloggers and food blog readers alike! My hope here is just to bring up a little think/talk/virtual coffee date sesh about what food bloggers should write about. Food bloggers, let’s think about what you like to write about, and food blog readers, let’s think about what you like to read about, because that’s sort of the end goal here. A matchy match on both sides of the story. Every once in a while, I sit down at the computer to write a post and my brain is literally empty. Zero words. No thoughts. BLEH. And by every once in a while I mean all the time lately. Usually I am overflowing with words and thoughts and ideas and random stories that I feel an urgent need to share on a food blog , but somehow that just poof disappears when I try to write at times like 11pm or 5am, which has kind of been the norm as of lately. And now, see, I’m already off track. This i